The biennial ERIS report on state research needs has been released. Based on a 2024 survey of state environmental agency leaders and follow up conversations with state agency staff, the report notes high level areas of interest along with details of specific needs. The most recent report is available here and all state research needs reports are available here.
U.S. EPA Highlights Collaborations with State Partners
U.S. EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) coordinated videos to highlight examples of how ORD research and technical assistance, in partnership with states and regions, helped tackle environmental challenges and deliver the solutions they need. The videos, published at the ECOS Fall Meeting in 2024, showcase interviews with state environmental agency leaders, including Katrina Kessler (MN) and Leah Feldon (OR) who serve on the ERIS Board. The 4 videos highlight how each state collaborated with ORD to tackle a priority challenge and exemplify how other states can learn about available EPA resources and science-based tools to assist them in protecting human health and the environment.
- EPA ORD & MPCA Collaboration on St. Louis River Area of Concern
- EPA ORD & UT DEQ Collaboration on Detecting HABs with the CyAN App
- EPA ORD & NJ DEP Collaboration on Legionella in Drinking Water
- EPA ORD & OR DEQ Collaboration on Wildfires
U.S. EPA Shares List of Tools For States
This updated list, organized by media, outlines the top EPA ORD tools for states.
New Report on State Research Needs Published
ERIS has published its biennial report summarizing the results of the 2022 survey of state research needs, Findings of the 2022 Biennial ERIS Survey of State Environmental Agency Research Needs.
U.S. EPA Seeks Public Comment on Research Action Plans
U.S. EPA’s Office of Research & Development (ORD) has released for public comment the six draft Strategic Research Action Plans (StRAPs) for fiscal years 2023-2026, which outline the leading-edge research strategies necessary to provide the scientific foundation for EPA to execute its mission to protect public health and the environment. Over the past year, these draft StRAPs were developed through a series of listening sessions, workshops, and consultations with ORD staff.
In the coming months, the research plans will be reviewed by EPA’s Board of Scientific Counselors (BOSC), an independent body of experts charged with providing advice and recommendations to ORD. The BOSC review will include an opportunity for public comment, via submissions to the docket leading up to the meeting and then via oral comments at the May 4-5 meeting itself.
Comments must be received by May 3 to be considered by the BOSC. See the announcement and details on commenting here.
Lessons on State Resilience and Vulnerability to Complex Disasters
Over the past two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, many states have faced hurricanes, floods, extreme heat events, destructive wildfires, as well as other natural disasters and homeland security threats that test the resiliency of state agencies and the communities they serve. To learn more about state efforts, ASTHO and the Environmental Council of the States (ECOS), in coordination with the EPA’s Office of Research and Development, hosted two listening sessions in January 2022 on resilience and vulnerability to complex disasters or environmental events with multiple interacting impacts.
The sessions focused on how state environmental and health agencies can prevent and mitigate environmental pollution and related public health impacts from disaster events (e.g., natural disasters and extreme weather, wildfire events, environmental contamination, chemical spills), especially during COVID-19 response and recovery.
Listening Session 1 focused on best practices in planning for complex disasters. Listening Session 2 focused on best practices in implementing policies and practices during and after complex disasters. This summary document highlights lessons learned and offers a path forward for states and co-regulators.