To collect and standardize the ever-growing volume of omics data (DNA or RNA sequences, metabolomics, etc.) produced by Great Lakes researchers, we built the Great Lakes Atlas of Multi-omics Research (GLAMR), a publicly-accessible website and database supported via the NOAA ‘Omics program. To populate GLAMR, we collected Great Lakes metagenomic, metatranscriptomic, and amplicon sequencing datasets “including many of our own” from public repositories while simultaneously collecting and standardizing all available sample metadata, including associated environmental measurements. The GLAMR website,, allows users to explore, query, and download datasets processed through standardized bioinformatics pipelines, and provides links to the originating repositories. GLAMR currently houses nearly 2,500 samples and we expect this number to grow rapidly as researchers increasingly rely on omics methods. By bringing together diverse datasets spanning 15 years from across the Great Lakes, GLAMR provides researchers and other Great Lakes stakeholders a powerful but accessible tool for understanding this critical freshwater ecosystem.
Great Lakes Atlas of Multi-Omics Research
U.S. EPA Highlights Collaborations with State Partners
U.S. EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) coordinated videos to highlight examples of how ORD research and technical assistance, in partnership with states and regions, helped tackle environmental challenges and deliver the solutions they need. The videos, published at the ECOS Fall Meeting in 2024, showcase interviews with state environmental agency leaders, including Katrina Kessler (MN) and Leah Feldon (OR) who serve on the ERIS Board. The 4 videos highlight how each state collaborated with ORD to tackle a priority challenge and exemplify how other states can learn about available EPA resources and science-based tools to assist them in protecting human health and the environment.
- EPA ORD & MPCA Collaboration on St. Louis River Area of Concern
- EPA ORD & UT DEQ Collaboration on Detecting HABs with the CyAN App
- EPA ORD & NJ DEP Collaboration on Legionella in Drinking Water
- EPA ORD & OR DEQ Collaboration on Wildfires