This meeting will consider the broad implications and benefits that can accrue from water markets, including increasing flexibility and options in meeting various social, environmental, and regulatory targets and priorities. The meeting will explore concepts such as water quality trading to reduce pollutants and protect ecosystems, providing instream flows for aquatic systems, groundwater banking to optimize water allocations among different users, learning from other types of commodity markets, and issues related to scale, data availability, transparency, monitoring, and stakeholder involvement.
water pollution
The California Trash Monitoring Playbook
Trash monitoring methods in aquatic environments has presented many challenges in
method standardization and how to answer management questions. During this webinar
you will be introduced to the new California Trash Monitoring Playbook.
The California Ocean Protection Council (OPC), in close partnership with the State
Water Board, has recognized the importance of standard methods for trash monitoring
and has funded this project. The Southern California Coastal Water Research Project
(SCCWRP) and San Francisco Bay Estuary Institute (SFEI) have partnered up to test
multiple trash monitoring methods with a goal of developing a library of methods with
known levels of precision, accuracy, and cross-comparability of results, and linking
these methods to specific management questions.